So, you want to register for the conference?
Great! But you can only do so if you are:
Working at a European
Knowledge institute
A PhD researcher
working on a
hydrogen related topic
If you meet all three requirements, then you are eligible to register for the EPHyC conference. That's it!
Whether you are at the beginning of your PhD or you are almost defending your thesis, you are welcome at our conference.
Registration process
Registration for the conference is a multi-step process which takes place on our dedicated SciencesConf registration platform.
Follow the steps below as a guide for your registration.
Note: only abstracts submitted through the platform will be viewed. Any submissions sent directly via email will not be viewed or processed.
Note: This last step is crucial. If you do not complete this step you are NOT registered for the conference and your spot will be given to another researcher.
Abstract guidelines
You will find a detailed description of the abstract guidelines on the SciencesConf platform after you have made an account.
The most important guidelines are summarized here:
​​The abstract should be written in English
The maximum abstract length is six pages. However, the contents depend on the stage of your Ph.D. If you just started, the abstract could be just the general idea of your research. If you are almost finished and have many results, it is an excellent opportunity to showcase everything you have done
The abstract should state the most important specific objectives, the major results (or expected results if none are applicable at this stage), and the most significant conclusions of the work.
Important: you will only need to submit an abstract. After acceptance of your abstract, there is no need to send in a full paper.
Note: ​the EPHyC Conference does not claim copyright on any of the abstracts or presentations. All accepted abstracts will be published online on our Book of Abstracts after the event, which will be freely accessible on this site. All authors have the right to exclude their abstract from this Book.
August 16th 2023
Platform opens
Official opening of the abstract submissions on the SciencesConf platform. You can now send in your abstract for participation in EPHyC 2024.
October 11th 2023
Platform closes
Deadline for abstract submissions. No abstracts can be submitted after this date.
Note: EPHyC reserves the right to close the platform earlier if we reach the maximum number of participants before the submission deadline.
October - End November 2023
Abstract reviews
Our BE-HyFE PhD team will objectively review all abstracts via a notation grid. Should your abstract need adjustments, you will get notified during this period with a request to alter the document. All who have submitted an abstract will receive a notification about acceptance or refusal.
December 2023
Registration phase
All accepted abstracts will receive an acceptance code. To participate in the conference, you will need this code to officially register. You will also get a chance to register for separate social activities during the conference and provide us your personal information (e.g. dietary requirements).
From that moment onwards: start booking your accommodation in Ghent, make travel arrangements and look forward to EPHyC!
All abstracts will be divided into 5 general hydrogen-related topics but with many subcategories within that topic (hover over the topics to see possible subtopics). Are you working on a topic that does not fit in these categories at all? Then please get in touch so we can assist you with the submission process.